Getting the Best Massage Therapy in Surrey

Here is a simple checklist which could help you rate your massage therapy in Surrey

1. A proper massage therapy treatment starts before you even set your foot through the door

How easy it was to book a massage therapy appointment and how professional, friendly, and helpful were the staff at the massage therapy clinic can be considered a few factors to identify the best massage therapy clinic in Surrey. And moreover, were the staff and receptionist answer your questions and were they dedicated their time to give you the attention to understand your needs? Those questions also help you to identify the best massage therapy service in Surrey.

The first impression and the behavior of staff help people to understand the quality of a massage therapy clinic. When you enter the massage clinic, and if you find it appealing and has an excellent vibe with a friendly atmosphere then you may think that is one of the best massage therapy clinic in Surrey. But, still, there are plenty of reasons to consider before judging it by looking at them.

When looking at the registered massage therapists who work at the clinic, were they:

  • Able to explain how a series of massage sessions can help
  • Able to refer to previous successful cases that got good results with massage
  • Sound confident, friendly and knowledgeable

If you can answer the those questions, then you can screen the best-registered massage therapist in Surrey.


2. Massage Therapy Consultations

You should not be choosing a massage therapist who does not even pay attention to ask questions about your injuries or your health conditions. The best-registered massage therapists will go deep down to your health conditions, and they may even ask questions about your family history. Moreover, they will question your health goals and session goals.

When you are at the consultation, you will know if your massage therapist is the right one for you. Many experienced and professional registered massage therapists will actively involve to meet client’s expectations and setting targets to achieve required well being results. At the consultation stage, if you see those kinds of actions, then you definitely know that you will receive an outstanding massage therapy service.

3. Applying the right pressure comes from skill

When you are getting a massage treatment if you feel really uncomfortable, then that is not the correct way to receive the best massage therapy. Most of the time, only experienced registered massage therapist can only apply the right pressure at the right area. That has come from their experience. And most of the experienced massage therapist will make sure to check with you during the session asking how you feel.


It is the ability to understand the right amount of pressure at precisely the right time in the exact point of the body that requires is the most when having the best massage. An experienced registered massage therapist can read a client’s muscles like a book using their fingertips, and they will be able to use massage techniques accordingly.

Beware of the massage clinics that treat you as a number. The sign of a best registered massage therapy service is that the therapist should be able to prioritize in on the highlighted areas before the massage begins.

4. Aftercare

Aftercare is really important once you finished a session of a massage therapy treatment as it can be benefited to improve your well being. It is also an essential key component of injury rehabilitation. For example, if you are suffering from strain injuries consistently, some exercises or stretches can slow the process of improving tension and inflammation in your joints. Therefore, the massage therapist may recommend some products or applications according to your injuries.

If they are trying to sell you so many unnecessary products and applications, then that will explain so many things. On the other hand, if they recommend few of perfect products which can help you to recover fast, then it can be benefited for your health. But, you need to beware about the purpose of those products.

As the best massage therapist, they will give you pieces of advice, and they will explain many ways that you could recover fast. As well as best massage therapists can advise you how to prevent from getting more injuries in the future. So, when you see those signs with the aftercare, then you know that you got the best massage therapy in Surrey.


Seva Wellness Clinic offers you the best massage therapy Surrey , and we are a multidisciplinary clinic. Therefore, you can get various registered massage therapy services under one roof. Our prices are really affordable. As a leading massage therapy clinic in Surrey, our main goal is to provide outstanding, quality and professional massage therapy services for our clients.

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